Tuesday, December 8, 2009

15 super foods!

In a time of medical crisis, there is only one hero: Superfood!

WebMD is all kinds of helpful when you want to turn a few symptoms into full-blown panic that you may have a rare, incurable disease. Little did I know it was also pretty sweet in suggesting prevention tactics for both the common cold and the United States enemy #1: the flu.

To save you the trouble of clicking through the pretty pictures of Superfoods (as well as how they work), here is the list:

Elderberry, Button Mushrooms, Acai Berry, Oysters, Watermelon, Cabbage, Almonds, Grapefruit, Wheat Germ, Low Fat Yogurt, Garlic, Spinach, Tea (green AND black), Sweet Potato and Broccoli.

I was sure Blueberries would make the list and am now disappointed in what must just be a Superfood sidekick. That's cool Blue. You're still my boy.

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